The UK (DFID; Humanitarian Assistance and Resilience Programme Facility in Myanmar), Netherlands (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), German (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Swiss (Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Swiss Development Cooperation), and Canadian (Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade) governments
The Development Assistance Committee of the OECD; UNDP, the UN Peacebuilding Support Office, UNICEF, WHO, Inter-Parliamentary Union; International Organisation for Migration; OCHA; EU (European External Action Service)
ActionAid; ACT Alliance; Action against Hunger UK; CARE USA; Care Netherlands; Conciliation Resources; Dutch Relief Alliance; INTRAC; Interaction; RedR UK; MSF-Belgium; Bioforce; the Small Arms Survey; the Active Learning and Accountability Network (ALNAP); the Middle East Peace Academy; Austrian Study Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution; CDA Inc. (Reflecting on Peace Practice); Interpeace; Life & Peace Institute; Cordaid; VOICE; the European Peacebuilding Liaison Office; the European Interagency Security Forum; Eirine; Geneva Centre for Security Policy; Centre for Conflict, Peace and Development at the Graduate Institute in Geneva; American Friends Service Committee; Centre d’Enseignement et de Recherche en Action Humanitaire à Genève (CERAH); International Foundation for Population & Development; Fondation Botnar; Start Network; Swiss Solidarity Foundation (Chaîne du Bonheur); the Clingendael Academy; Geneva Call; Peace Labs (Lebanon); COAST Trust (Bangladesh), Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development (Jordan); Lutheran World Federation Burundi; Peaceful Change Initiative; the AE-center (Swiss Centre for Peace Mediation, Dialogue and Peacebuilding in Northern Africa); Norwegian Church Aid; Initiatives of Change Switzerland; Institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques (Paris); Frontline Aids; Wikimedia; VENRO platform (Germany); German Doctors; Action MEDEOR; FELM (Finland); John Hopkins University (Center for Communication Programmes); RAFT Myanmar; Youth and Child Protection Service (Canton of Geneva)