Working with Koenraad was an enriching experience. His participatory and collaborative approach makes his interlocutor feel comfortable and open to questions and discussions. He listens well and therefore asks appropriate questions taking his interlocutor step by step along the way and starting processes of joint reflection. He is sensitive to cultural differences and shows it in his choice of words. He continuously assesses the ambiance and is very aware of his interlocutors’ reactions even when assisted by a translator. He has a positive and easy going yet professional attitude and is flexible and ready for sudden changes of plans. The collaboration was very well appreciated.
— Geneva Call, 2016
I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for all the hard work that has gone into this product and, more importantly, the very open, participatory and consultative approach that was taken for the analysis, including building the capacity of the local stakeholders. It seems like the Peace and Development Analysis has created significant peacebuilding momentum – just as we hoped – and has led to some interesting discussions on the state of peace in Bougainville today and the key issues and priorities which remain.
— Senior UN Peacebuilding Support Office Official, 2014
Koenraad has a rare mix of assets which allowed him to conduct an outstanding assessment. He has an acute eye for detail - no significant piece of information escaped his attention, notwithstanding a tight time frame. At the same time, he also understands the big picture, whether it is the country context or inter- and intra-institutional dynamics. Finally, his people skills allow him to reach out and gain insight where others would not. He did a fabulous job.
— Pablo Lo Moro - Luther World Federation
Koenraad created an excellent atmosphere for critical reflection and analysis, while keeping an eye on the required end result and the way forward. This resulted in well-balanced discussions, which at certain moments were allowed to go their way, and at other moments were assisted by the facilitator. Having someone who is both an expert in the field we are working on, and a very experienced facilitator of such planning processes, proved to be of great added value.
— Focal point for the regional Great Lakes programme of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2014
I would like to thank you for making possible the workshop on conflict sensitivity we had last week. From the feedback I received from colleagues, I got the idea that the success was in the very practical approach taken by you - focusing on how conflict sensitivity applies to our work.
— Focal point on conflict sensitivity within the Department for Humanitarian Affairs and Stability, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Thank you for your skill, patience , understanding and stamina. The meeting exceeded my expectations. (...) Thanks for the flexibility, energy and effort and getting us through it all. (...) Balance, responsiveness, patience and good humour. (...) I loved your energy, humour and tenacity with our group. (...) Your adaptability and ability to listen...
— Patricia Sellick, Regional Director for the Middle East, American Friends Service Committee - and meeting participants
I am extremely grateful to you for this report and the wonderful supporting documentation. It is extremely helpful as we consider where we are after the whirlwind four months since Busan. I want to express my deep gratitude to you for playing such an active convening role. It has been a real pleasure to engage with you, and I understand the tremendous amount of work that has gone into your involvement. You have been exceedingly gracious, welcoming, insightful, and strategic throughout. Thank you!
— Melanie Greenberg, President and CEO, Alliance for Peacebuilding
You may not know it, but the small conversations we had on many occasions really changed a lot in the way I do things.
— Paul Okumu, Head of Secretariat, African CSO Platform on Principled Partnership
If your organisation is looking for a genuine, generous and thoughtful organisational consultant, with diverse tools and frameworks at hand, then Koenraad is the person you seek. Particularly because he also has strong listening and sensing skills, and thinks creatively and strategically. His approach is such that it enables learning for the team and for everyone within it. Working with him was both a valuable experience and a delight.
— Jean Paul Chami, Founder and Director at Peace Labs (Lebanon)
We asked Koenraad on very short notice to support us with our annual retreat. He was confronted with challenging team dynamics but he managed, over the two days, to unlock certain blockages within our team and planted promising seeds for change and sustainability. We liked his thoughtful and holistic approach and his facilitation style. Koenraad is very good at sensing people and situations, and navigating teams in a wise and non-obtrusive way through stormy situations to help them to find a more balanced mind-set.
— Marc Probst, director SAD
I wanted to thank you for providing us with an open atmosphere that was conducive to different types of exchange. You brought out positive thoughts/reflections from many of us. The calm and serenity with which you approached the challenging/hurtful conversations was desperately needed. I only regret that we did not have an additional day to get through more of the muddy waters! (…) I have very much appreciated your ‘savoir être’. You reminded me of who I am and where I would like to go. You reawakened my courage and confidence that I can and will find my way and that I have to go for it.
— Two participants in a team coaching retreat
Thank you for your excellent programme this weekend. In our post-event survey 84% of participants rated the facilitation as very to extremely professional, while 92% of participants rated the retreat as very to extremely effective. This feedback speaks for itself!
— Chairs of 15 Wikimedia national chapters Boards on their retreat
Koenraad Van Brabant was elected by the Board of the Swiss Solidarity Foundation to chair its two project assessment commissions (international/Switzerland). The international commission, composed of thematic experts and staff of Swiss NGOs with expertise in humanitarian action, discusses the merits of proposed projects for which co-financing is sought from the Foundation. Koenraad has proven to be an excellent facilitator of these meetings, encouraging debates on crucial issues yet striving for consensus. His knowledge and experience regularly nourished the discussions and helped to find new ways to improve the relevance and impacts of the projects proposed. He has also carried out field visits on behalf of the Foundation. His excellent reports go beyond the historical view of humanitarian action and stimulate reflection on new approaches to be introduced. As member of the Board of the Foundation, and its Executive Committee, he also provided useful input on management and other institutional issues, always taking into account the specificity of our Foundation. His independent and free-thinking spirit and attitude shed fresh light on issues often taken for granted or not open for discussion. Koenraad has an extremely winning personality with an excellent touch of humour.
— Tony Burgener, CEO Swiss Solidarity Foundation
The workshop you led unlocked creative thinking and generated new options for our governance. While you also indirectly validated a lot of good things we are doing.
— Participant in governance review workshop with a local NGO in the Middle East
The Board and staff of IFPD are extremely grateful to GMI for having led us through a revision of the Foundation’s strategy and establishing the basis for a renewed five year strategic plan. Both GMI consultants have very forthcoming, easy-going personalities and it is a pleasure to work with them. Their extensive field experience in various countries as well as their competence as consultants brought much insight into our discussions. All participants into our ‘strategic retreat’ have learned much from them through their leadership and guidance in a challenging exercise. We highly recommend these two consultants to any organisation in need of revising their strategy or projects.
— Christine Magistretti-Naville Chair of the Board IFPD
Koenraad helped AFSC’s International Programme design and facilitate a two-day strategy meeting with 55 staff around a global security framework and vision. We had participants from all AFSC’s regions and Washington D.C. and UN engagement offices. His facilitation experience, analytical skills and willingness to be flexible were integral to making it a successful meeting.
— Marianne Elias, AFSC International Programme
Together with our colleague Katherine Kramer, Koenraad has elaborated an evaluation of Geneva Call’s ‘Deeds of Commitment’, which was not an easy task. With his usual professionalism and taste for details, the results were condensed in a rich document that gives a very accurate picture of the strengths and weaknesses of the flagship instrument of Geneva Call. The recommendations must all be implemented without exception in the upcoming strategy. Rarely in my life have I read an evaluation report that I found so valuable and practical to inform the direction of my work.
— Alain Délétroz, director, Geneva Call
I am reading and rereading your report for the Start Fund. I am impressed by the framework and benchmarks on the seven dimensions of localisation. I am considering having it translated into Bengali and will be using it in our country wide campaign.
— Rezaul Karim Chowdhury, director COAST Trust in Bangladesh
I think this paper is an extremely useful extension to your previous work. I have already been using it in discussions with both national and international NGOs to help them frame their thinking about and discussion of localisation. It’s great to have the more in-depth indicators alongside the framework, and the ideas for practical applications to learn from. Hopefully this will inform the work of different organisations.
— ICVA Regional Focal Point
I agree with the analysis, which was outstanding in its summary of the situation in relation to the Charter 4 Change and the Grand Bargain. And, more importantly, the success of the response to the needs of the Rohingya, obviously. Thank you for the important work you are doing, you can expect us to be more active in trying to do something about those C4C commitments in the coming months in Cox Bazar. Your document has been a key reminder to get us back on track.
— INGO Director on the Rohingya response report
Bougainville is a very well researched place, but your Peace & Development Analysis has given us many new insights.
— Senior official UN Country Team Papua New Guinea
This was a challenging assignment and you surpassed your working days by quite a bit. We appreciate the professionalism, expertise and tact you showed in this situation. Needless to say, we would like to work with you again.
— CMC Consulting
Thanks so much for your dedication, patience and insightful approach to this evaluation. It is now up to us to make sure we act on the recommendations. You have been extremely gracious and professional despite a challenging process - you have inspired me to try and emulate these great qualities during challenging times I now have with another client.”
— Evaluation advisor Norwegian Church Aid
I think the set of questions you shared are very useful and are needed for our mission. I hope our Chief of Mission can take them on. I also find them useful for the regular Project Management meetings we organise with project partners every three months.
— Michiko Ito, Programme Manager Migration Governance, International Organisation for Migration in Myanmar
I worked with Koenraad on a mixed evaluation, where he provided guidance on the evaluation design and tools, as well as an external eye. Koenraad excels in this field and is easy to work with. He is very good at exposing the different layers of an issue in order to get to the heart of the matter, and provided relevant and feasible recommendations to improve our work. He was also able to guide staff in a constructive way towards understanding the findings, the recommendations, and what that means for their work.
— Katherine Kramer, MEAL coordinator, Geneva Call
I had the honour of working with Koenraad during the Business Agility Conference in Vienna, where he was co-facilitation small group conversations. His experience and expertise in leading executives through complex topics (such as organisation design and business agility) for the benefit of all was instrumental to the success of the event. We couldn’t have done it without him.
— Evan Leybourn, Founder Business Agility Institute
The training was well structured and there was a good balance between listening and participating. I found the materials provided to be both relevant and effective in making us think concretely about the challenges and benefits of public participation [...] The course enabled people with very different backgrounds or experience to work together. No one shied away from providing input. The good level of interactivity will ensure that I remember the insights I gained throughout the day.
— Participants in a one-day course on ‘Public Participation and Citizen Engagement for Peacebuilding and Statebuilding’, 2015
The students found your session on peacebuilding extremely useful and engaging, and commented very positively on it during their evaluations. They particularly enjoyed the interactive approach you took, giving them plenty of opportunities to speak and discuss the issues. Similarly, we appreciate your willingness and flexibility to channel your presentation to the desires of our participants.
— T. Richardson & D. Atwood Quaker United Nations Office
I am glad to have discovered your articles: substantive, necessary and to the point! (…) I haven’t typed a word on LinkedIn for years, but this article resonated so much with me, because it articulates so brilliantly so many conversations we never quite finished or shouted loudly enough about. (…) I now recognise all of what’s written in this piece; just wish I had the benefit of it before my Somalia trip!
— Comments on various blogs
Vous, comme d’autres, nous permettez de lever le voile sur les faces pas toujours positives de ce secteur. Vous nous permettez ainsi de façonner le chemin qui nous correspondra le mieux et d’identifier ce que nous pourrons y apporter. Merci pour le partage de votre expérience, pour votre franchise aussi et surtout votre écoute curieuse de ce que nous sommes et des suggestions que votre enseignements a fait jaillir en nous.
— Participant in a learning day on aspects of humanitarian action
Merci pour pas mal de choses. Mais surtout pour le manuel sur la ‘Dialogue Démocratique’ qui me fut très util pour cette formation sur le dialogue au Maroc..un autre merci pour m’avoir appris à réflechir et à adapter méthode et contenu chaque jour d’un troisièmement pour m’avoir inspiré pour travailler avec des questions pertinentes à poser et l’importance d’écouter vraiment ce que disent ou ressentent nos participants.
— JP Chami, consultant/formateur consolidation de paix
I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your engagement during the course last year. As you will notice, I was really inspired by our discussions when writing the Handbook.
— Emma Skeppström, participant in the Effective Advising Course 2015 & subsequent author of "The Security Sector Reform Adviser's Handbook'
Mr. Van Brabant gave an expert input on ‘Discourse and Practice: Does statebuilding build peace? and participated in an expert panel on ‘State Fragility in Development’ followed by a lively discussion with participants. He fully met commonly accepted quality standards (social conduct, content, didact, service orientation) of academic teaching at postgraduate level. We thank him warmly for his very valuable and inspiring contribution.
— L. Goetschel & F. Sigrist, Swisspeace
Thanks for this great post on some things that I had never really considered. Most of all is the fact that you have a list of important principles, because some of this doesn’t come naturally to all and may not be thought about before tensions arise. Wonderful to not only socialise this, but coach to it. Very much appreciated.
— Doug Goldberg
Reflects a lot of what I think many of us working in L&D/CD field are struggling with. Thanks for the article. (….) Great article, thanks! I recommend it to those who are involved in training and facilitation of conflict analysis and related programming. (…) Thank you for this reflection, I will circulate it within my team: compelling and well articulated.
— Comments on blog posts
Your manual on operational security management has saved lives!
— Security Manager, World Food Programme

“This is an incredibly helpful paper—easy to read and follow, very practical, with the type of information we’d want in planning any project on this topic. Should we continue to dabble in this area, it will have saved us months of research/review and trying to figure things out (and then still having to guess from there)!  You’ll really boiled things down in a way that I can understand, and I really appreciate that you kept it at such a practical level. We are so fortunate to have access to the knowledge and wisdom you’ve gained after decades of work in this area. Thank you!!” P.S. John Hopkins University, Center for Communication Programmes