Effective and accountable Boards
Active member of the Board of the Swiss Solidarity Foundation during a period of intensive change
Design and lead a retreat on ‘How to be an effective Chair of the Board’, for 15 Chairs of national Wikimedia chapters
Design and lead a learning seminar on ‘Group Dynamics’, for 14 Chairs and Vice-Chairs of national Wikimedia chapters
Strategic analysis, strategizing, and strategic adaptation
Lecturer on 'Strategic Management in Fragile Settings'. Summer course of the Executive Programme of the Graduate Institute for International Relations in Geneva & the American University in Central Asia
Design and facilitation of a strategic planning workshop for staff of four Dutch embassies in the Great Lakes, as part of the development of a regional programme
Co-design and lead facilitation of a global strategic planning workshop for the International Division of the American Friends Service Committee
Design and facilitation of a strategic analysis & planning workshop for the Middle East programme of the American Friends Service Committee
Design and facilitation of the strategic planning exercise of the International Foundation for Population & Development
Facilitation of the first exploratory discussion between two Swiss NGOs about a possible merger, for Eirine
Facilitator of a strategic planning process, for the Humanitarian Practice Network at the Overseas Development Institute
Researching the business model options of the International Peacebuilding Advisory Team, for Interpeace
Design and facilitation of a review of the organisational experiences with feasibility assessments and the planning of improved internal procedures, for Interpeace
Six years Head of Reflective Practice and Learning/Knowledge Management, at Interpeace
Senior advisor to Geneva Call on strengthening the internal organisational evaluation capacities
Organisational development adviser to Peace Labs (Lebanon)
Facilitation of an analysis & prognosis sharing meeting, of Swiss agencies working in Myanmar and some external experts, for the Swiss Federal Dpt. of Foreign Affairs
Reviewing IOM’s Level 3 crisis procedures through the practice of their response to the Rohingya refugee crisis in Bangladesh
Author of a ground-breaking handbook for operational security management in violent environments and guidance on organisational approaches to mainstreaming safety and security management
Facilitator of an internal planning workshop for the different academic contributors to a course on humanitarian action, for the Centre d'Etudes et de Recherche sur l'Action Humanitaire
Country representative of Oxfam GB in Sri Lanka, at a time of peace talks and then renewed outbreak of war, navigating the organisation through a strategic change in context and a complex political and security environment
Manager of the then largest SCF UK project in the world, in eastern Ethiopia/Somali region 5, navigating the organisation there through a profound political change with the introduction of an identity-based federal structure
Deputy-director of the Afghanistan Vaccination and Immunisation Centre, in a period of anticipation of an end to the war, contributing to the strategic development of public health services in rural areas based on Afghan capacities
Management and Governance
Co-creator and co-director of the Global Mentoring Initiative, a Limited Liability company
Board member of the Swiss Solidarity Foundation
Member of the independent NGO Accreditation Commission, for the Swiss Solidarity Foundation
Head of Reflective Practice and Learning, Interpeace
Programme manager & Acting Director of International Programmes, Interpeace
Co-director of the Humanitarian Accountability Pilot project
Deputy-director of the Afghanistan Vaccination and Immunisation Centre
Country representative for Oxfam GB in Sri Lanka
Project manager of the then largest SCF UK project in the world, in the Somali refugee camps in east Ethiopia
Managed veterinary, public health, nutritional, food-for-work, agricultural, emergency relief, peacebuilding and other programmes, in volatile or violent environments
Effective Leadership, followership, team functioning
Advanced training in Organisational and Relationship Systems Coaching (by Schouten & Nelissen)
Co-director (6 years) of an annual 'Senior Leadership' course, for the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (with Cathy Clement)
Co-facilitator of staff retreat on ‘team cohesion’ and ‘effective change management’, in the midst of a major change process, for Initiates of Change Switzerland (with Bhavesh Patel)
Design and facilitation of staff retreats on 'inner leadership' and ‘team commitments’ for the Swiss Academy for Development
Design and facilitation of the staff retreat around the question 'how can we work better together', for Bioforce
Short trainings on listening and asking skills
Design and lead a retreat on ‘How to be an effective Chair of the Board’, for 15 Chairs of national Wikimedia chapters, with attention to interpersonal skills, emotional intelligence and conflict management (twice)
Interagency Collaboration and Partnering
Certified Partnership Broker (Partnership Brokering Association)
Guide and facilitate the change process to a new partnership model, for Frontline Aids (formerly the International HIV/AIDS Alliance)
Lead designer and facilitator of the first meeting of the strategic partners in a Horn of Africa programme, for the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Leading the transformation of an ineffective NGO coordinating body, into a better performing Consortium of Humanitarian Agencies, in Sri Lanka
Global coordinator and facilitator of civil society engagement, over 15 months, with the inter-governmental 'International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding' (pre-Busan), for Interpeace
Introductory or advanced training in facilitation skills (in English or French), for national teams facilitating tense and difficult conversations in their own societies, in e.g. Timor Leste, Libya, Burundi, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Mali & Sweden
Development and piloting of a course on ‘citizen participation in governance: why and how?’
Assessing the 'internationalisation-localisation' dynamics in the collective response to the Rohingya influx in Bangladesh, for the Global Mentoring Initiative
Assessing the direct implementation or partnering choices of Swiss NGOs responding to the Rohingya refugee crisis in Bangladesh, for the Swiss Solidarity Foundation
Exploring donor support to INGO-CSO peacebuilding partnerships, for Conciliation Resources
Senior management oversight and support to the initiation, implementation & conclusion of various multi-stakeholder-based peacebuilding programmes in different continents and countries
Introduction to 'inclusive dialogue processes' for the Ivorian governmental Commission on Truth, Reconciliation and Dialogue
Promotion of quality & accountability initiatives in the humanitarian sector, researcher, speaker, editor and co-director of the Humanitarian Accountability Project
Twice elected member of the Steering Committee of the Agency Coordinating Body for Afghan Relief
Expert advising
Leading the development and delivery of an innovative course on 'Effective Advising in International Cooperation', for the Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs (with Jan Ubels & Nora Refaeil)
Advising the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs on various aspects of a major tender process; member of the Commission providing the final advice to the Minister on which proposals to fund
Chair of the Technical Commissions (international/Switzerland) for the Swiss Solidarity Foundation, assessing project/programme proposals, and advising and assisting with further policy and practice developments
Member of the expert team (conflict analysis) for the capacity-strengthening of the 'African Initiative' mediation Panel for the Central African Republic, for the European External Action Service
Expert in the Conflict Sensitivity Resource Facility for the EU Trust Fund on Libya
Developing guidance and training for the International Organisation for Migration, to mainstream 'conflict sensitivity' in all humanitarian & transition and recovery programming & practical support to the IOM in Rakhine State, Myanmar
Expert advisor in the International Peacebuilding Advisory Team of Interpeace
Member & rapporteur of the expert working group on UN travel and aviation bans, and arms embargoes, for the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs & organiser and lead facilitator of an international conference on 'Smart Sanctions' for the UK's DFID
Team leader evaluation of the GBV Localisation Task Team project, for CARE USA
Strategic review of LWF presence and programming in Burundi, for Lutheran World Federation in Burundi
Team leader of the real-time evaluation of aspects of IOM's response to the Rohingya refugee crisis in Banglades
Team leader for the evaluation of Norwegian Church Aid's peacebuilding programme in northern Mali.
Steering Group member for the end evaluation of the Dutch Relief Alliance
Expert advisor to the internal evaluation of Geneva Call’s Deeds of Commitment, and to strengthen the organisation’s internal evaluation capacity
Rapid evaluation of Geneva Call’s engagement with the Polisario Front in Western Sahara, on the landmine ban
Rapid evaluation of Geneva Call’s engagement with the Karen National Union and Karen National Liberation Army, in Myanmar
Evaluation/strategic review of Geneva Call's programme with non-state armed actors, in Lebanon
Utilisation-focused evaluation of a peace programme in Mogadisho & South-central Somalia, for Life & Peace Institute
Evaluation of the joint programme and platform functioning of the Forum of Civil Society Organisations working together for Democratic Security (FOSS) in Guatemala, for Interpeace (with Jorge Alvaro Pisani)
Developing Interpeace’s evaluation capacity and conducting meta-evaluations; twice organisational focal point for donor-commissioned institutional evaluations
Strategic review and assessment of CARE's work on conflict and peace and its organisational capabilities to expand this, for CARE USA, UK & Netherlands
Baseline evaluation of where the START FUND is with regard to the 'localisation' policy and commitments
Evaluation team leader of the response of three Indian NGOs, members of the ACT Alliance, to the Gujarat earthquake, for the ACT Alliance
Humanitarian Policy evaluation - Does practice match the policy?, through the lens of programming in the Balkans, for the Swiss Federal Humanitarian Aid Division
Research and action research
Team Leader of a participatory peace, security and development analysis in Bougainville (Papua New Guinea), for the UN Country team in PNG, the UN Peacebuilding Support Office, and the National and Autonomous regional authorities
Researcher for the Ethiopia case, in a comparative desk study on 'Business Environment Reforms in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States', for DFID through KPMG, with the Centre for Conflict, Peace & Development of the Graduate Institute, Geneva
Rapid research on donor perceptions and support for civil society peacebuilding partnerships, for Conciliation Resources
Methodological advisor to a participatory research project on the nexus between 'conflict' and 'education', in four border regions of Ethiopia, for UNICEF Ethiopia & the Institute for Federal Studies at the Univ. of Addis Ababa
Coordinator of a research project & author of the synthesis study on 'Urbanisation and Human Security', with case studies from Africa and Central America, for the Canadian DFAIT
Coordinator of a research project & author of the synthesis study on 'The Role of African Parliaments in the prevention and management of conflict', for UNDP and the Inter-Parliamentary Union
Action-research on localisation for the Disasters & Emergencies Preparedness Programme (DEPP) of the Start Network
Co-researcher & lead author of the Afghanistan case study on 'The Effectiveness of Aid (Dis)incentives to Reduce Conflict', for the OECD DAC (with Tony Killick)
Lead researcher for the Dutch part of the 'Utstein Study' assessing governmental peace policy and projects, for the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Research Fellow with the Disaster Management Unit at the University of Wageningen, Netherlands
Co-director of the Humanitarian Accountability Pilot Project, to identify what institutional and sector approach might be most cost-effective to strengthen the accountability of humanitarian agencies to affected populations; leading the Sierra Leone pilot test
Research Fellow (4 years) with the Humanitarian Policy Group at the Overseas Development Institute, London
Multiple trainings on 'conflict analysis', 'conflict sensitivity', 'local ownership', 'national dialogue', 'public participation and citizen engagement', for e.g. Swedish and Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs staff and diplomats, political and conflict advisors to EU institutions, government of Cameroun officials, Algerian researchers, mixed groups from Myanmar, the UN Country Team in Lebanon, various NGO courses
Leading the development and delivery of a course on ‘Effective Advising in Peacebuilding and Statebuilding’, for members of the Swiss Expert Pool and other international technical assistance experts
Lecturer on 'Strategic Management in Fragile Settings'. Summer course of the Executive Programme of the Graduate Institute for International Relations in Geneva & the American University in Central Asia
Training on change management, Master Degree course on Humanitarian Management, for IRIS in Paris
Multiple trainings, in different continents and countries, on multi-stakeholder processes for violence reduction and peacebuilding
Training in fundamental and advanced facilitation skills, for nationals facilitating difficult conversations in deeply divided societies, in Burundi, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Guinea Bissau, Mali, Timor Leste, Libya and Sweden
Training on ‘Citizen participation and inclusive governance: why and how?’
Training on conflict, peace and development analysis for OCHA staff, for the Centre on Conflict, Development and Peace, Graduate Institute for International Relationships and Development, Geneva
Training on 'Statebuilding & Peacebuilding' for Swisspeace & Univ. of Basel
Training on peacebuilding and governance reform, for the Austrian Study Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution
Development of a training module on 'National Capacities and Local Ownership in Peace Work', for the European Peacebuilding Liaison Office
Co-trainer of the first 'Reflecting on Peace Practice' training in the Middle East
Training on the 'Grand Bargain' & 'localisation' in the Framework of Humanitarian Aid Module, for Bioforce, France
Training on localisation: operational implementation & institutional implications, for VENRO NGO platform in Germany
Active contributor to the development and delivery of training on operational security management, for the OFDA and RedR