Listen in to some of the top coaches at the World Business Executive Coaching Summit. Here some leaves of wisdom and insight - for a quick read, and a longer reflection.

The biggest hurdle for leaders and executives is their ego. Limit the role your ego plays in leading. The second biggest hurdle is the ability to have deep conversations about issues that matter.” (Eric Kaufmann)

A coaching leadership style is the most effective in raising staff motivation and engagement. An organisational coaching culture leads to better people outcomes, business value outcomes and change management.” (Tracy Sinclair)

People have value beyond performance.” (Paul White)

Who and what does your work serve?” (Peter Hawkins)

Hierarchy and humble leadership are not necessarily exclusive. It is possible to have trust in hierarchy, if there is honesty, openness, authenticity.” (Ed and Peter Schein)

Achieving more requires becoming more.” (on the wall of David Taylor-Kraus’ office)

Activate your own inner observer and learn to focus; become more skilful at shining a light on the habits of your mind, increase your body awareness, learn what triggers you, identify your emotions and their impact on you; become your own inner coach.” (Daniel Coleman)

Tune in to your own body sensations when listening to someone else. Your body is a powerful antenna.” (Amanda Blake)

What are you discovering for yourself? What becomes possible now?”  (Jonathan Reitz)

The Oxford Review